Senka VIDOVIĆ is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, where she received her PhD in 2011. Her expertises are green extractions technologies (high-pressure technologies, ultrasound and microwave-assisted extractions), and technologies for dry extracts (powder) production. She was the Vice Dean for Science of Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, the Mentor of 5 PhD thesis, and more than 50 Masters and Bachelors.

Senka is the author/co-author of over 220 publications, more than 90 published in the recognized international scientific journals. According to web site Scopus, her h index is 29 and total citation 2645. Prof. Vidović possesses the strong coordinating capabilities as she was the Vice Dean for Science and Academic Erasmus Coordinator at Faculty of Technology Novi Sad (2018-2020), and project leader of two national and three international projects. Moreover, she is the Vice Chair and Member of the Management Committee of COST Action Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes GREENERING.

Senka Vidovic was the member of organizing and scientific committee of several international scientific conferences. Beside of this, she is the external project reviewer for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Belgium, for Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia, for Hong Kong Environmental and Conservation Fond, Hong Kong, and the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT), Chile. She received several awards, scientific recognitions, and research grants, among by European Cooperation in Science and Technology and The Federation of European Nutritional Societies.


Dr Jelena VLADIĆ

Jelena VLADIĆ, PhD works as a Scientific Associate and Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Technology, Department of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Jelena obtained her PhD in 2017. Her expertise is pharmaceutical technology and pharmaceutical chemistry, with special reference to different kinds of innovative extractions, drying technologies, and physical-chemical and biological analyses of obtained products.

She is the author/co-author of over 180 publications which include one book, seven book chapters, and more than 60 research articles (h-index 18, citations 878). Currently, she participates in six national and international projects. Furthermore, Jelena has received several awards, scientific recognitions, and research grants with the Danubius Young Scientist Award for the best scientist in Serbia in 2018, awarded by the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe and the Austrian Ministry of Education, being the most prominent.

Moreover, Jelena was awarded research grants by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria (2019), British Scholarship Trust, UK (2016), and European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Belgium (2017 and 2018). In addition, she received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2020 within Horizon 2020.

List of publications

Dr Aleksandra GAVARIĆ

Aleksandra GAVARIĆ works as a Research Associate at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She received her PhD in Pharmaceutical Engineering in 2020. Her scientific attention is focused on the advantages of green extraction technologies (subcritical water extraction, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, ultrasonic extraction, microwave extraction, NADES solvents, etc.) compared to conventional ones and investigation of the influence of process parameters on isolation of targeted bioactive compounds from agricultural waste and by-products, and alternative crops that are outside the plant production system.

She was recently granted a short-term stay in Lisbon, Portugal for the implementation of scientific research activities within the COST Action CA18224, Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes. Gavarić is also engaged in the Bilateral project Development of high-value products based on marine microalgae using green technologies between Serbia and Portugal. She participated in the 1st GREENERING BUBBLES, workshops on application of supercritical carbon dioxide, subcritical water and ultrasound in herbal extraction production, devoted to representatives of different industries. Dr Gavarić has published 18 scientific publications in the outstanding international scientific journals with impact factor and over 50 presentations from international conferences printed in the form of abstract.

Dr Nataša NASTIĆ

Nataša NASTIĆ, PhD works as the Research Associate at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She received PhD in Food Engineering in 2020. Her formal education was complemented with research work and stay at several international institutions: Universities of Granada and University of Seville (2013 and 2014), and Centre for Functional Food Research and Development-CIDAF, Granada (2013 and 2016).

Her expertise includes the experience in the extraction and isolation of biologically important molecules of natural origin, developing, improvement, and implementation of modern extraction techniques, particularly subcritical water extraction. She is involved in two COST actions and bilateral projects of the Republic of Serbia with Italy, Germany, and Portugal.

She has published 11 scientific papers in leading international scientific journals with impact factor and participated in the number of international and national scientific meetings. In 2020 she received the grant by European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Belgium, to provide the scientific research in the Institute of Experimental Biology and Technology-iBET, Portugal. 

Siniša SIMIĆ

Siniša SIMIĆ is a PhD student in the field of Pharmaceutical Engineering at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad. In 2019, he acquired the professional title of Master Engineer of Technology by defending his Master’s thesis entitled ‘Influence of pulsed electric field pretreatment on the improvement of bioactive components extraction of turmeric (Curcuma longa) by subcritical water’.

During his undergraduate studies, he was a member of the student organization B.Cell, within which he worked on improving student’s knowledge on current topics in the field of pharmacy and biotechnology. He participated in the students competition ‘Ecotrophelia Serbia 2019’, as well as in the organization of the international conference ‘1st international conference on advanced production and processing’.

The field of Siniša’s research work is pharmaceutical engineering with a focus on the application of innovative and green methods of medicinal plant extractions, chemical characterization of the obtained products, and determination of their biological effects. In this field, he is an author/co-author of several scientific outputs.


Slađana KRIVOŠIJA, PhD student, works as a Research Trainee at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She completed her Masters studies in 2021. Her Master’s experimental work included ultrasound assisted extraction of black elderberry. Her research work is focused on green and innovative extraction technologies (supercritical and subcritical fluid extraction, ultrasound and microwave assisted extraction, as well as the spray drying method), and their application in order to recover bioactive compounds from medicinal plants, food and agriculture waste and by-products.

At AFA Hackathon – Girls Hack, which was held as a part of the fourth Women’s Leadership Summit, she won the 1st place thanks to a project designed to solve environmental problems. At the competition ‘Ecotrophelia 2021’, organized by the Association of Food Technologists of Serbia, she was the leader of a team that won the 2nd place for creating environmentally friendly food product, ice cream ‘EcoFreeze’. Slađana is involved in the COST Action Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes CA18224. She is an author/co-author of 9 publications from the international conferences.


Mirjana SULEJMANOVIĆ, PhD student, works as a Research Trainee at the Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad. She received her Master’s degree in 2021. Within the research group XtractTEAM, she investigates the impact of green extraction technologies on herbal material, chemical characterization of obtained extracts and their biological activities, as well as possible applications in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries.

Recently, Mirjana received a scientific grant at Bioeconomy Research Institute of the University of Valladolid, Spain, within COST action. She investigated valorization of ginger herbal dust, pretreated with supercritical carbon dioxide. Exhausted ginger herbal dust was exposed to high pressure at various ethanol concentrations. Mirjana participated in the national competition ‘Ecotrophelia 2021’, where she won 2nd place for the product ‘EcoFreeze’. In addition, she is a volunteer of the United Nations Development Program, and an active member of the Association of Young Volunteers. She is an author/co-author of 8 publications from international conferences.